Five Salmon Challenge
The ultimate royal flush, catch all five species of salmon in a five year period of time while staying at the Last Cast Lodge and win a five day return fishing trip! While catching a king, sockeye, chum, pink and coho all in one trip is possible the odds of accomplishing this challenge are better by scheduling multiple trips at different times of the year. Keep your Salmon Challenge card with you and once you have caught all five species you automatic earn a five day fishing trip on us. All fish must be verified by a Last Cast Lodge owner or guide. Airfare is not included, give us a call for more details!

40" Club
A certificate and Last Cast Lodge trophy hat is awarded to each angler that successfully lands a ​40" or longer Northern Pike. The Anglers picture and recognition will be posted in our annual newsletter as well as our wall of fame!
30" Club
A certificate and Last Cast Lodge trophy hat is awarded to each angler that successfully lands and releases a ​30" or longer Rainbow Trout! Anglers picture and recognition will be posted in our annual newsletter as well as our wall of fame!
20" Club
A certificate and Last Cast Lodge trophy hat is awarded to each angler that successfully lands and releases a ​20" or longer Arctic Grayling! Anglers picture and recognition will be posted in our annual newsletter as well as our wall of fame!